Why planning makes me laugh
In my day, and I’ve been retired for a while, traditional planning consisted of a strategic plan sometimes…
Why unwind makes me laugh
A few accountants have started to introduce ‘unwind’ as accounting jargon in annual reports. And they are being…
Why does EBITDA + + + make me laugh
Ever since EBIT was invented accountants have been adding letters to it in a supposed effort to refine…
Why does ‘write it down’ makes me laugh
Have you noticed how accountants like the expression ‘write it’. They first took the word ‘down’ and tagged…
Why does the Department of Education make me laugh
I would like to share this beautiful sentence I found in the Annual Report of the Department of…
Why accountants make me laugh: increase/decrease
Accountants are getting bored with increase and their derivatives: higher, improved, growth and their opposites: decrease, lower, declined…
Why bookkeeping makes me laugh
To make fun of double-entry bookkeeping will bring on the fiercest ire [1] of many fellow accountants. Its…
Why CFO makes me laugh
CFO does not stand for Chief Financial Officer but Chief Fiddling Officer. The title has nothing to do…
Several ways profits make me laugh
Profit on its own does not exist in accounting. Accountants have so many different types of profit that…